In the newspaper – I was reading a frightening/harrowing story about a young girl that was able to break away from a man that was trying to abduct her. She was then able to point him out to the people from her building – who then grabbed the guy. So there is the story – and as I said – it is both frightening/harrowing.

However – I did find a line that made me bark out a “What?!” type of response. It was in the next to last paragraph of the story.

“. . .But as they waited for cops to arrive, he changed his tune, saying “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again. I won’t do it again,” as the crowd pummeled him to keep him from escaping . . .”

I guess that I have never seen it written so plainly – that the people who caught the guy – that had just tried to abduct a child (or done any crime) – beat the heck out of him while waiting for the cops. But it was to keep him from escaping – so I guess that works out for everyone.

Boy! There is just nothing like a shower to make you feel all kinds of clean.

But today’s episode of washing had the potential (right off the bat) to go all kinds of awry – as there was no soap to be found. And you had best better believe me – I looked (and looked).

I can tell that you are all at the edges of your seats wondering what I possibly did to overcome such peril. Well I just leaned over, grabbed a bottle and used shampoo. I now have extra bounce, tons of body and a shiny coat like you wouldn’t believe (on my toes even).
Looking back, I suppose that it did turn out better than the time when I ended up having to use Peanut Butter . . .

Now That – was a sticky situation.

Glad that I got all of that off of my chest.

The Peanut Butter that is.

Did I mention that it was crunchy?!

I made this little logo – with that little guy for my cousin for his birthday. The timing was nifty – because drawing him (and yes indeedy – it looks a lot like him) coincided with a freelance project that I just finished where I had to draw a few people (including the owner of the company that the project was for).

Anyway – there he is – that little birthday boy – who is evidently “naughty.” Or at least that is how he is currently advertised.

This little blog type thing is experiencing a seriously rough week . . .

The camera that is used for the Friday photos has run out of juice (and by juice – I mean power) – and the charging mechanism is hiding far far away. I only know that it is hiding far far away – because it sent a postcard. It is in Aruba.

There are also no more ant comics . . . which is something that should be clarified – before you start jumping up and down for joy at the end of my (current) two best (drawn) friends. What I mean is that there aren’t any more scanned into the computer . . . but fear not – because I am staring at a pile (yes – feel the shudder) of notebooks that are chock to the brim with more and more little funnies . . . but now I have to figure out when they are going to get into the computer – and if I can trick them into doing that themselves.

The last thing is that the computer that comes with me on the train (the computer whose battery lasts about 4 minutes if it isn’t plugged in) has experienced it’s very own little plug problem. It has disappeared as well. So last night when I got onto the train – to start on my merry typing way . . . there was nothing staring back at me – but a blank monitor. I decided that my best bet was going to be to just run with the situation – and type out a couple of stories – and so I did – and they were hilarious – and they aren’t real – because the computer wasn’t turned on . . . kind of like how I will sometimes take my phone out of my pocket and have pretend conversations when I want to get out of potentially awkward social situations that I foresee myself getting entangled in (yes – I really do that).

So – now – you end up with this – a post about why I have a lack of posts.