Last night I ate some rice . . .

But seriously – it wasn’t just any old rice – it was fairly-super-great rice . . . it needs a bit of tweaking – but I think that it’ll get there. I dropped some cilantro, garlic, scallions, salt, pepper, butter, lemons and limes into the rice cooker – and let it go go go . . . I need to figure out how to get all of the flavors to like each other and then how much of which and what to put in there – but it’s just a start . . . a tasty treat of a start.

And that was just the “entree.”

On the side we had a mixed greens spring salad mix thing – which could have been anything – the real excitement came from the Makoto Ginger dressing. So so so so so so so good – it’s almost like being at one of those Japanese steak houses – which are some of the best places in the world . . . except without all of the steak, shrimp and fun . . .

The fun came from watching Cannonball run . . .

Rice – Ginger – and Sammy Davis Jr. as a priest in a red Ferrari oh what a treat!!