Entries by natty bumpercar

Evidently – we have some sort of problem . . .

Some little birds have floated into the house to let me know that on some computers (like any computer that looks at this here internet on a pc using Internet Explorer – which is maybe a bunch more computers than you can shake a stick at) – are getting a ton of white space up […]

What do you know about "Gubstuff" ?!?

Well . . . I would wager a bet that you probably don’t know anywhere near enough about Gubstuff . . . so here is a quick quick tip-off to get you more into the “I know plenty about Gubstuff” mode. Gubstuff is great stuff that is made by my great pal Angela. She makes […]

Enough with the bathing . . .

The other night (really pretty much every night – but this one night in particular) I was sooooooooooo so so so so tired . . . and so after letting the dog out and then back in and dealing with the feeding of the cats – I crawled – or maybe slunk – but definitely […]