Entries by natty bumpercar

"Doo – Doo – Doo – Doo" (Doodle Poodle!)

If you have had a tiny feeling deep down inside that the posts have been a bit skimpy for a quick minute around these parts . . . then I only have one person that I can blame. He hyperventilates, jumps around a lot and has tufts of white fur. Yep – yep – yep […]

A Nice Website

Here is a nice “Flash Website” that I found (or was it found for me – hmmm) on another website (by the name of Gothamist) which was pointed out to me by a little chicken. So now you know the string of how things have happened to come together for today. As to the site […]

My Pal(s) Totally have a magazine!

Did I tell you guys that I have a little comic strip in a magazine?! The magazine is called Daily Constitutional – as you may have guessed from that there picture picture at the top up there . . . and the comic is called “The Island.” [As you maybe could have imagined] It is […]