"Doo – Doo – Doo – Doo" (Doodle Poodle!)

If you have had a tiny feeling deep down inside that the posts have been a bit skimpy for a quick minute around these parts . . . then I only have one person that I can blame. He hyperventilates, jumps around a lot and has tufts of white fur.

Yep – yep – yep – you guessed it – there is an all new cartoon featuring everyone’s noisiest poodle pal . . . Doodle Poodle. Evidently there is some sort of a basket involved – but that is all that I am allowed to say. Voice Man forced me to sign a nondisclosure contract – and he doesn’t mess around.

So without further to do . . . as Voice Man would say . . . “Let’s see what Doodle Poodle is doing ri-ight now!”

That Doodle Poodle is the crazy!