Okay Geronimo – I know that I usually don’t put stories from other places up in here . . . but seriously – read that headline – and ask yourself how I could even have any chance in the world of not posting it.

I may have just found the title to my auto-biography . . .

Here is the link:

Kittens Chase Bear!

Today I made a yummy salad (as you could maybe have guessed by the title up there.

Here is what went into it:

Seriously – you guys – it was really really good . . .

And it was a salad.

How crazy is that?

What do you kids think of this new layout? You know comics up top and blog down below . . . I am trying to decide if the comics need their own pages – but then I also don’t want people to have to go to several different places to get stuff (also also don’t really want to have to update bunches and bunches of places – because I am lazy).

Let me know – let me know – I have sixty old Snowflake comics ready to drop in as soon as you say “jump.”

Or – maybe “go.”

Alright everyone. After a very long moving process (that is still going on behind the scenes here at the new headquarters – which we are still debating a proper name for) . . . we are back at the grill to serve up some sweet sweet stuff to fill all of your needs.

I thought that some things would be farther along than they already are – but throw in rabbits of Easter, a rousing game of far away poker and a dollop of college basketball – and watch as goals slip – slip – slip into the fog.

Welcome back – to me.

Welcome back – to you.

With a few tweaks – an oil can – and some serious elbow grease – this show will be practically back on the road and fully functional before you can even say “boo.”

You said that really fast.

Try again . . . now.