Tag Archive for: comedy

The Bumperpodcast Logo

Holy cow! This is our second installment in our blockbuster interview series – and – it’s so huge that we have to break it into two parts. It’s a twofer with none other than Sock Cop!! Yay, Bumperpodcast!

Can you listen 100 times? Let us know by sending an email to bumperpodcast@nattybumpercar.com.


Go to these places to find Sock Cop:

Periscope: https://www.periscope.tv/jasonburglar
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasonburglar
Vine: https://vine.co/u/1088319659591331840
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKjnKzGSDUNsZ_uemd4UMSQ
Website: http://sockcoprocks.com


The Bumperpodcast Logo

This is the episode where everything changes. Episode number 250 of the Bumperpodcast. It is a fun blast of a great time that now includes interviews by Pig. Today’s guest is our comedian pal Adam Lucidi. It’s a whole new world!

Can you feel the excitement? Let us know by sending an email to bumperpodcast@nattybumpercar.com.

The Bumperpodcast Logo

There is an open door policy on the Bumperpodcast studio, and Bumpercar is not very thrilled about it.

Do you feel better? Let us know by sending an email to bumperpodcast@nattybumpercar.com.

The Bumperpodcast Logo

The sickness has crept in again – but, we soldier through to let you know the deal. I think that things are looking up in the world … Maybe!

Do you feel better? Let us know by sending an email to bumperpodcast@nattybumpercar.com.

The Bumperpodcast Logo

A child comes and wreaks havoc on the Bumperpodcast. Batten down the hatches and hide your robots!

Do you like kids? Let us know by sending an email to bumperpodcast@nattybumpercar.com.