See that guy on the left there? His name is “Fire-Roasted Red Peppers & Tomato.” The kid on the right – the anti-southpaw – coming at your taste buds straight-rough-rugged-and raw . . . yeah – his name is pretty simple – it is “Mister Tomatillo!”

Today – is salsa day.
[Before I forget – again – these recipes seem to hinge pretty heavily on grilling the ingredients . . . but what – oh what are you to do if you don’t happen to have a grill?! Throw it all in your oven’s broiler – yum!]

Fire-Roasted Red Peppers & Tomato (Now with Roasted Corn!)

This is the stuff that you will be needing (in no particular order):

  • Red Pepper (1)
  • Orange Pepper (1)
  • Green Pepper (1)
  • Poblano Pepper (1)
  • Jalapeño Peppers (2)
  • Chipotle Peppers (in Adobo Sauce) (2 of the peppers – but watch out – this stuff is serious)
  • tomatoes (4)
  • Ears of Corn (3)
  • onion (red) (1/2 cup or so)
  • garlic (fresh minced) (4 cloves)
  • cilantro (yes)
  • olive oil (enough)
  • lime (of course)
  • salt (not too much)
  • pepper (is there ever enough?!)

Alright. Here is the drill – as I run it.

  1. Cut everything into manageable strips and toss them into some olive oil.
  2. While you are cutting everything – husk, de-silk and boil the ears of corn (for about 15 minutes – or so).
  3. Seed and scoop the tomatoes – you aren’t going to need all of that junk where we are going.
  4. Lovingly place everything – seriously – everything on a hot hot hot grill – over hot hot heat. Bring some tongs and a spatula – because those tomatoes hate to sit on a fiery grill – they would swear to you that they weren’t raised to be in such atrociously searing conditions.
  5. Keep an eye on stuff – and revel in it getting charred – but no too charred – we aren’t making briquette salsa.
  6. Take everything off of the grill – and while you are gathering your olive oil, salt, pepper, cilantro and lime – let all of that junk cool down for a bit.
  7. Scrape the corn off of the ears [look at this great tool made just for this job].
  8. Dump it all into a Cuisinart and pulse pulse pulse until properly mixed – stopping every so often to taste for perfectness.

Mister Tomatillo!

This is the stuff that you will be needing (in no particular order):

  • Tomatillos (10)
  • Poblano Pepper (1)
  • Jalapeño Peppers (2)
  • Chipotle Peppers (in Adobo Sauce) (just a smidge – for the heat that hits the back of your throat)
  • onion (red) (3/4 cup or so)
  • garlic (fresh minced) (4 cloves)
  • cilantro
  • olive oil (enough to get stuff moving)
  • lemon
  • lime
  • salt
  • pepper

Alright. Here is the drill – as I run it.

  1. Cut everything into manageable strips and toss them into some olive oil – including the tomatillos.
  2. Lovingly place everything – seriously – everything on a hot hot hot grill – over hot hot heat. (hooray for roasted vegetables!)
  3. Keep an eye on stuff – and revel in it getting charred – but no too charred – we aren’t making briquette salsa.
  4. Gingerly get everything off of the grill – bring some tongs and a spatula – because those tomatillos are going to do their best to slip down into the fiery pit of the grill . . . and while you are gathering your olive oil, salt, pepper, cilantro, lemon and lime – let everything max and relax before they meet your pal – the Cuisinart.
  5. Dump it all into a Cuisinart and pulse pulse pulse until properly mixed – stopping every so often to taste for perfectness.

So – there you have it – 2 (two) pretty darn good (and distinctive from each other) salsas to make and eat – and eat – and eat. Both recipes make about as much as you can see in the photo (maybe 2 1/2 – 3 cups or so) – and should be eaten.

3 replies
  1. bobo
    bobo says:

    tha's some good lookin' salsa, how can i git' me some? i'm kinda' too busy (lazy?) to make my own salsa, but am not satisfied with the swill they sell to the hoi polloi from the super markets. could you e-mail me some?

  2. bumpercar
    bumpercar says:

    Hrmmmm – while it would surely be my pleasure to work the magic machinations to email you some of the delectable salsa that you see before your eyes . . . I fear that my inter-tubes would fail in the process – and become – somewhat soggy – and worthless.

    Perhaps in the future – when the third generation iPhone appears – which I have heard rumored will allow for STP (Salsa Transfer Protocol) – then things will work out more properly . . .

    Until then – may I highly recommend Spicier Nacho Doritos?! They along with a 20 oz. bottle of Mountain Dew are the best lunch on this – or any – planet.

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