Miss this – blog.

Dear blog,

I miss you very much. Even though there were posts last week, I have to let you know that they were old missives that I set to automatically post while I was out and about and away. Now, I am back and realizing that when I go on vacation – the world goes topsy-turvy  and takes a bit of doing to get itself back together.

I promise that Monday – things will get back to normal – maybe they will even be better . . . who knows – right?! I’ve certainly eaten a bunch of terrible food that I need to tell you about – and – Robot has been itching to get Emerson back on the microphone for more Bumperpodcasts – and cripes – the last Snowflake that was put up just has Sasafras coughing – how ridiculous is that??!

Have a good next few days . . . if I get really itchy – I may have to put something up – really – really – seriously itchy . . .


– N.Bumpercar