I'm All Woozy . . .

In a truly annoying turn – for the second day in a row – I wake up all woozy and blah blah blah . . .

It isn’t like I’m not sleeping – because I do. I have the proof – uhm – well somewhere around here. It is possible – that I certainly have some sort of proof that I have (probably) been sleeping. Except – now that you have put me on the spot – and I think that is has become indisputable at this point that there is some questioning finger waging going on – I just can’t seem to find any of that (said) proof.

Really – though – all that you need to know is that my stomach is doing flip-flops, my head is swimming in thick thick clouds and other parts of my physiology aren’t exactly knocking it out of the park today themselves.

So now the big decision of the day rears it’s ugly head – do I eat on the train or sleep – eat on the train or sleep – eat on the train or sleep?! The answer to that (those) question(s) could sway the rest of my day in multiple directions . . .

Huzzah for woozy days . . . may they pass as quickly as they came.

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