Did I See A See Thing?!



So – big news from the news desk – here in Coffee-Can Alley – maybe big news – that is – or maybe a hoax!

The other night I was driving home and it was dark – like how it gets at night – and right in front of us (really really far in front) – there was a light – like a super-slow-motion shooting star. Only much much bigger. I got all hoppity and started dancing about seeing a spaceship – while pushing the other scary thought back into my head (missle). My passenger then started to say the term “Space junk” over and over.

The car became a back and forth between “I think we just saw a spaceship” and her saying “Nothing but space junk.” Back and forth and back and forth.

Then I found this website where someone else had seen it

Here is his little story:

Full Description of event/sighting: My fiancée and I were driving home from dinner when we were stopped at a light. She asked me what time it is and I noted that it was exactly 8:00pm. Then I looked up to the sky (as I do much of the time when I’m a passenger) and spotted it. We both saw what appeared to be a “shooting star” except that it was traveling much slower. It’s speed still far exceeded that of any jet, airplane, or man made object, but was present for 4 – 5 seconds. The strange thing was that this star-like object had light being emitted from around it’s sides and there was a darker shape in the center so it looked quite man-made. The object’s path was parabolic heading downwards and towards the east. For a minute, I honestly thought it was a missile heading towards New York City, however, a missile does not fly in a parabolic manner. Judging by the other sightings I’ve read about, UFOs seem to travel in erratic straight lines that drastically change directions. This object did not travel in such a way. The object traveled in a single direction that seemed to head down and east simultaneously.

Pretty nifty! So I guess that I can cross that off of my old bucket list – eh?! Saw a spaceship flying around the nighttime sky . . . And even if it was just some boring old space junk (I mean what is “space junk” anyway?!) – that certainly isn’t as much fun to think of as seeing a ship – so I’ll just stick with my story.

3 replies
  1. will
    will says:

    space junk = an old jalopy of a spaceship. not a newer, prettier model. Typically has excessive (luminous) exhaust due to lack of maintenance. Beware buying to fix up, or following too closely.

    • bumpercar
      bumpercar says:

      Ooh – are you – by any chance – referring to the luminous exhaust from a spaceship from a now defunct television show – that also had a movie – that was named after the spaceship?!?

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