Is ours a predictable era or an era of predictable error? Expect the unexpected as we cloud your head with worldly thoughts of weather forecasting, critters and digital innovation.

Special thanks to this week’s sponsor, Hohumdai Motors.

Additional thanks to Steven Reines.

Happy New Decade, you!

****wait – isn’t it february?!****

Things haven’t changed that much – we still love to gripe and talk back.

****like a bunch of chickens in a coop.****

Showing that knowing a little about a lot is a very dangerous thing, it’s a frightfully winterized Know Show!

****oh! well then listen i shall.****

Howdy everyone!

There is a new episode of The Know Show up . . . Why don’t you have a listen?!

Summary: Socks the Dog has to go to the vet to get his flu shot.

Wait a minute . . .

The dog had to get a flu shot?!? That almost sounds ridiculous!

Let’s find out what we know about the situation and let’s do it quickly!

Howdy everyone!

Here is the newest episode of “The Know Show” – a thrilling oddcast that I am co-hosting . . . Give it a listen!

Summary: Your hosts wax poetic on the season in this second episode, lamenting the decision to fire a telephone, trying to get to the bottom of social networking and sailing along the ancient flight paths in the skies.


(ed’s note . . . Smith wrote this up so well – that I just swiped his copy. I cut and pasted his copy. Go listen to the show!)
25 minutes long

Download file?

The Know Show is a weisenheiming funcast!
And YOU, dear friend, can listen no matter where on Earth you may be.







It pairs two former reckless radio rowdies–Mister Natty Bumpercar & yours truly with fun facts, observations and opinions. Show what you know, find out what THEY don’t want you to know and maybe learn a little something mo’. Listen (and subscribe!) at Call us any ol’ time at (707) 901-SHOW.

Episode one – “Reunited and it feels Know-Show good”

Summary: Your hosts hoist the mainsail in this first episode, reminiscing about bygone radio days, breakfast-cereal commercials and cats of cultural curiosity.




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Stop by my newly-redesigned Vox Office anytime to find out all about my voice-over misadventures –!

Thanks for listening and hooray!