In order to help the headquarters shed a few pounds, me and the dog and the cats and I have decided to throw a bit of a yard sale this coming Saturday (August 5th) . . .

There will be all kind of stuff to pick through – or if you just want to stop by and say “Howdy” – that would be quite a treat too . . . I will be out there in the sun from 9-4 sweating so that other people can come and get my stuff bit by bit and piece by piece.

Hope to see you there!

After being away for the last two (2) weekends (and a few more days in between there if I do say so myself) I have finally managed to compile the results to the first ever “Which ones (ies) do you like more than other stuff?!” . . .

So without further ado (mostly because I am trying to type this with a bandaged finger [quick aside – I “popped” it open when the business end of a chisel knocked against it earlier today while I was . . . uhm . . . probably chiseling something – and now it is both yucky/grody and also annoying to type with – as well as once again – yucky/grody]) – back to the ado now –

Your winners are (and I am giving the top five (5) here:

1) Owlet

2) Cloud

3) Tiger

4) Birds on a Wire

5) And then there was a pretty big tie-up around the fifth (5th) spot . . . and the judges have decided to give the nomination to the little guy with the crown . . . Natty Bumpercar! (I mean it is his “company” after all . . .)

Thank you very much for taking the time to look at my stuff . . . now all I have to do is figure out how to make it all – and if the design that you liked the most didn’t make the cut . . . just hold steady an keep your fingers crossed that this all works out – and soon enough you will be able to fight for that reversible penguin/apple tree bib . . .

Hi all . . . so – I will be away from the world for a few days . . . and I am really really tired right now . . . but I will tally up baby resluts when I get back – and stuff . . . and yawn – and yawn and yawn . . .

[does this seem different from most posts?!]