Here is a link to the actual page!

Back again for the third (awesome) year – I am making stupendous tremendous painterly drawings . . . for you! And this year – not only are there even more options for you to choose from – but you can also get your painting framed!

They will be 5″ x 7″ on Arches paper, and will be made with pencils, pens and acrylic paint and this and that and a bit of awesome.

So. Go through and click the buttons to that tell me what to do and let me know some stuff, and soon, you will go to your mailbox and find a sweet sweet treat.

Each painterly drawing is $65.

[Shipping & handling are totally free (in the U.S.)!]

This offer will go away on Friday, December 2 at midnight . . . So make sure to place you order before then. This is to ensure that all drawings will be shipped by December 14 – so that you can stuff them in your stockings – or wherever you feel the need to stuff them – or something.

Thanks three times six million!

Here is a link to the actual page!


Natty Bumpercar returns to Headquarters with the icky-nasty-yucky plague – but – he has missed the Bumperpodcast studios so much – that he decides to give you a little bit of the talky-talk.

Mostly – he just takes his throat to task for not doing what it’s supposed to do – which is evidently just to sit there and be a pipe. There are firings that are threatened.

Listen to the Bumperpodcast to see if there is a job opening for a throat …

