Rabbit Photo

Fun Run

Faced with a cold and grey and bleak world – I decided to do what I could to brighten the place up a little bit by grabbing Socks and going on the inaugural Montclair Fun Run. It was a grueling 9/10 of a mile around a couple of blocks that ended with a spirited 1/10 of a mile “cool down” walk.

There were no t-shirts, crowds lining the route, tables with cups of water or even – honestly – a designated finish line. There weren’t any other people running – and I guess if you want to nitpick – there wasn’t really a race . . . but there was fun and there was running – and there was a pretty heated competition that Socks was engaged in to see how many times he could pee while also keeping up with the pack (I was the pack).

Good times were had by all. Now we just have to determine the frequency of the event – and get some sponsors – and stuff.

I have a crumb. It was lovingly passed on to me by someone that had grown sick (ha) of said crumb – and decided to find a new home for it.

Consider it safe to say that I am not a fan of this particular crumb – and will overjoyed when it finally decides to go about it’s merry way . . . I am looking at the clock and wondering when that will happen . . .

Did I mention that my toes ache?


I was walking the other night (on March 31st) and almost fell over from laughing when I saw this hilarious joke that someone had obviously set up for the next day. I really hope that the witty prankster that put this joke together didn’t see me – as I could hardly even control my laughter.

Evidently – the next person to come up and use the phone was going to end up grabbing it from the wrong end – and then would be trying to listen into the talking end – and talking into the listening end!

It was such a classic that I felt like I had to share it with you . . .

Man – I wish that I could have been there to see the look on the hapless sucker that ended up falling for this comedic trap – whoo!