Oh boy – Horatio . . .

Did you know that I went to the dentist a couple of weeks ago – and I was crowing because it was only a seven minute walk from the newest hide-out – and I was giddy because this dentist was all like checking the alignment of my jaw and measuring my gums with a tiny ruler type of thing and stuff – and is the second dentist in a row to say the words “perfect teeth” while scratching around my mouth??

Did you know any of that – or did I forget to tell you? Because as far as I can tell – it is all true.

The only hitch is that I get (have) to go back – in five measly hours – because evidently – even though my pearly whites are pearly perfect . . . my wild and sugary childhood has set me up for a bit of digging – tooth digging that is.

You see – I have a couple of fillings from back in the day – when I drank Coke from a baby bottle (what – I’m from middle Georgia – I got off pretty easy with the baby-cola thing . . .) – and those fillings are failures that have got to go. One is just going to be another filling (how totally boring is that??) – while the other – and make sure that you are sitting down when I tell you this . . . is going to get a crown . . .

A solid gold (maybe) crown!

I am super-pretty-moderately excited to get a little flash in my molars – and seriously can’t wait until I get to go to the club (that I always go to) and show it off.

You just can’t buy that kind of street cred . . . but I guess I just did!!

(I will update you during my rehab time – because I am sure that this will put me down for several days . . .)

Howdy every single one of you.

Remember how I said that I had been bitten by that busy bug? I believe that I had referred to it as something along the lines of a super-busy bug – or something like that . . .

Well that picture below is the home page of a big huge moving around and a lot of stuff site that I just finished – with some serious help from a coder bee. The site is called idon’tstink.com – and there are skunks and a meter that you can fill up and a quiz that you can take and – as was mentioned – a whole lot of stuff going every which way.

Have fun roo-roo-rooting around!

So Yesterday – I “upgraded” my services from my web hosting provider Yahoo – and then boy did things break. The whole site went away- and then after two calls – one of which said that I would have to totally start over on the blog – and the other of which said the it wasn’t within Yahoo’s realm to be dealing with a WordPress problem – I yelled.

This is kind of a test post to see what will happen if I try to post . . . They think it may fix things. I don’t – so much.


This is what I used to look like when I had to dress up to kill all of the bad stuff under the old headquarters . . . not sure where my goggles are – or my knee-pads for that matter . . . must have been a casual mold Friday.