Last Monday and Tuesday I had the terror and pleasure of being the guest artist of the week for two days at a little school by the name of Smith-Barnes Elementary to talk about drawing, painting and a wee bit of animation. Terror, of course, stemming from doing something that I had never done before (going and talking to a bunch of people about the little world in my head) and pleasure when everything was received as well as it was (more on that in a second).

I was brought in by the actual art teacher who goes by the name “Mister C” – I had a nametag on that read my actual name – but the kids took to calling me “Mister Harris” or sometimes “Mister H” – I was equally thrown off when I heard either one. I had bunches of paintings (the largest 10′ x 5′) on canvas, some on wood, some on paper and then the “doodle poodle” cartoon that I had finished the night before (which allowed me to say “And here is a cartoon that I made just for you . . .” which seemed nifty).

I wish that I would have taken photos or any kind of video because the room was full of stuff and they really seemed to like it – of course when you are the guy who comes into a classroom of 4th/5th graders that says “Does anyone here like cartoons?” you are almost guaranteed to go over pretty well . . . But when kids rush up to you in the hallway and demand autographs (as silly as it sounds) and your website gets more hits than in most months it sure does feel . . . uhm . . . what would be a good word here . . . hmmmmmm . . . like some serious great-itudey-ness – yeah – there I said it without even a hint of tongue in cheek whateverness . . . serious great-itudey-ness.

Oh – My – Gosh . . . You don’t know who “Doodle Poodle” is? Well – he is the svelt puppy with a ridiculous haircut that you see right up there (“up there” being a relative term to describe the only image of a poodle – or of any dog that can currently be found on this here page). You should totally go and visit him, see his new cartoon and then try to get the little singing brushes and pens out of your head . . . they are kind of catchy. Doodle – Poodle – Doodle – Poodle . . . What will he draw next?

And here is how you get there –

Hi everybody! So just to get this out of the way and to make it so that there are a couple of more posts on this here thing than none . . . Here is a quick picture of my little store. It is fairly new – about a month or so – but it is something that I have been trying to figure out for just about ever. So look look look around – it’ll never cost anything to take a peek. (I think . . .)

And here is how you get there –

Okay . . . So this is where I say howdy to an all new and improved way for me to waste my time – and by that I probably mean that it is a quick and easy place for you to come and see whatever it is that I am up to. Mostly – I am going to try to keep it to whatever I am working on at the time – with a little bit of flotsam and jetsam thrown in for decent measure (by ‘floatsam and jetsam’ I probably mean my dog, cats and whatever other ridiculousness I happen to fall into) . . . So Enjoy!